Hello Friends

My name, is Thomas McGrath. Most people call me Tom. I’m a software engineer with over 25 years of experience. I’ve worn many hats over my career, starting out as a DBA and quickly migrating to full stack development. Most of my experience has been with ASP.Net, building scientific and business applications for various government agencies, primarily NOAA.

My greatest satisfaction in my work is finding ways to find effective and sustainable solutions for my clients. I also enjoy teaching others how to use code effectively and efficiently. For me, it’s not enough just to know that a solution works, but to understand how and why it works, and to be able to explain that understanding to others.

Most of my work has been for my full time job, but I’m starting to look at engaging with the developer network at large. Suffice to say, I’ll be updating this site both in terms of content and design, so stay tuned.